function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}你的孩子会喜欢这些适合全家就餐的加州餐厅
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Kid-Foodie Guide to California

Kid-Foodie Guide to California


金州是世界上一些最好的餐馆的所在地, 这在一定程度上要归功于一长串以该州为家的著名名厨:爱丽丝·沃特斯, Thomas Keller, and Tyler Florence, to name a few. 因此,加州拥有无数适合年轻美食家的儿童友好餐厅也就不足为奇了. 从巧克力工厂提供巨大的热软糖圣代到玫瑰园的儿童下午茶服务, 这里有一些不可错过的景点,可以带孩子们去加利福尼亚度假, listed north to south.

Jelly Belly Factory, Fairfield

Come to the candy-making playground at the Jelly Belly Factory从旧金山开车大约一个小时 Solano County. 在一个高架平台上参加免费的自助游,观看果冻豆的制作过程, 或者升级到幕后导游之旅. Either way, 享受免费的样品,最后在果冻肚皮咖啡馆吃一顿果冻豆形状的披萨和汉堡. (More: Jelly Belly Factory)

Ghirardelli Chocolate Company, San Francisco

Here’s a history lesson kids will love. 在19世纪中期,James Lick和Domenico Ghirardelli建立了 Ghirardelli Chocolate Company in the Fisherman’s Wharf area. Today, that site at Ghirardelli Square houses the Ghirardelli Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop, along with other shops and restaurants. 浏览仅限甜点的主题菜单,比如海洋海滩圣代(焦糖), hot fudge, sea salt, 和鲜奶油)或巨大的地震, with eight scoops of ice cream, eight toppings, and fresh bananas. 千万不要错过这个琳琅满目的商场,从黑巧克力覆盖的蜂窝状到缆车形状的糖果罐头,应有尽有. (More: Ghirardelli Chocolate Company)

In-N-Out Burger

这家1948年首次推出的得来速汉堡摊是任何公路旅行中必去的地方 across California. It’s known for no-nonsense burgers, 但你也可以来一份大的Double-Double(两个牛肉饼加上配菜)或餐馆里的东西 Not-So-Secret Menu, 比如烤奶酪三明治(上面也放上生菜), tomato, 还有洋葱)和“蛋白质型”汉堡. 吃完后再配上香草, strawberry, 或者巧克力奶昔,并为孩子们索要一顶免费的纸帽子. (More: In-N-Out Burger)

Surfside Donuts

Surfside Donuts, Pismo Beach

你几乎可以找到任何你能想到的甜甜圈 Surfside Donuts, a surfer-owned shop near Pismo Beach Pier that’s decorated with a surfboard collage. The daily menu might include the Strawberry Clam Shell with fresh strawberries and cream; the Mexican Hot Chocolate topped with toasted marshmallows; and the Dirt Surf, a brown-sugar crumb donut. Surfside also offers healthier options, 像冷冻巴西莓或火龙果(火龙果)碗混合格兰诺拉麦片和你选择的新鲜水果.

Pea Soup Andersen’s, Santa Nella

这家餐厅的姊妹餐厅(也是原来的餐厅)位于丹麦乡村小镇附近 Solvang 1924年,出生于丹麦的创始人购买了一个令人垂涎的电炉,最初命名为安徒生电动咖啡馆,但后来他们在菜单上加入了家庭汤配方. Today, that Buellton location of Pea Soup Andersen’s is closed, but fret not. 他们仍然每天提供大量的素食和无麸质绿色汤, along with burgers, Danish sausage, breakfast, and more, at the restaurant’s Santa Nella outpost, just south of Stockton off Interstate 5. 饭后,到他们的面包店和礼品店买些点心和纪念品.

Belgian Waffle Works, Lake Arrowhead

The chalet-style Belgian Waffle Works, overlooking Lake Arrowhead, 为孩子和大孩子提供了一个广阔的菜单:三明治, burgers, salads, and, of course, savory and sweet waffles, 包括超过15种不同的甜点华夫饼. 其中最突出的是热苹果安妮(上面撒了一堆肉桂冰淇淋), warm spiced apples, and whipped cream) and the Belgian S’more, 以篝火为灵感的巧克力冰淇淋混合物, marshmallows, and graham cracker crumbs. 出门的时候,拿起家里的混合材料,在家里多做一些.

Huntington Rose Garden Tea Room, Pasadena

穿上你最好的头饰或派对礼服参加下午的聚会 The Huntington这里有植物园、艺术收藏、珍本图书图书馆和咖啡馆. The Huntington Rose Garden Tea Room, framed by winding paths lined with roses, 这款传统的英式下午小吃为孩子们带来了加州风味. Along with decaffeinated tea, 孩子们可以用手拿着吃,比如Nutella三明治, 木头上的火蚁(芹菜配花生酱和蔓越莓干), homemade scones and crumpets, and an assortment of petite desserts. For more kid-friendly treats, 看看亨廷顿红车咖啡店, which carries ice creams from local favorite Fosselman’s. (More: The Huntington Rose Garden Tea Room)

The Albright

The Albright, Santa Monica

The mellow, family-run The Albright以一个航海结命名,距离人们喜爱的摩天轮仅几步之遥 Santa Monica Pier. Parents will appreciate the al fresco dining and the view of the ocean; kids will love the nearby games and rides. The menu emphasizes quality, local, and sustainable fish, made into lobster rolls, Hawaiian poke, and black tiger shrimp tacos. Kids, meanwhile, might favor the fish-and-chips, along with the grilled cheese, corn dog bites, and chicken tenders.

Cheeky’s, Palm Springs

坐落在棕榈峡谷路的中心,色彩斑斓 Cheeky’s is the spot for brunch in Palm Springs但它的创新菜单也很受孩子们的欢迎. 自制的肉桂卷和培根卷是最受欢迎的两种食物, 但别忘了配上切达司康饼的本尼迪克特鸡蛋, 或者椰子华夫饼,上面放着新鲜芒果. 既然它很受欢迎,试着在工作日的早上去,以便更快地找到座位. (More: Cheeky’s)

Corvette Diner, San Diego

The retro Corvette Diner, located in Liberty Station near downtown San Diego, 提供了一种20世纪50年代的幻想:泡泡糖粉色的墙壁上装饰着黑白格子旗, 穿着狮子狗裙的女服务员在不上汉堡和奶昔的时候又唱又跳. 有趣的菜单还包括猫王风格的Rory汉堡(上面撒着花生酱), bacon, 和生菜),并保证退款. Kids will love the Gamers Garage, an arcade with more than 60 games. If you saved time for more, browse the Liberty Public Market a few blocks away; the converted naval complex now houses more than 30 food, beverage, and artisan vendors.

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